Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Top 5 Snowboarding Review Sites

A new shred season is upon us and you are ready to purchase that new set up, whether it be a board, bindings, or all new outerwear.  Problem is, there are sooo many choices.  All of this new tech and cool graphics got your brain spinning right??  On top of all this chaos, this shit is spendy so you want to make that right decision the first time, am I right?

Here at Shift'D Union, we spend a lot of time snowboarding.  For crying out loud, we RIP THE ROCKIES!!  It's just what we do.  It's part of the reason why the brand was created, therefore, I already had some good review sites in mind, but it never hurts to ask Google.  Below is what I found and is worth looking into before you make that big purchase.

*Disclaimer:  You might be thinking, "nonsense, I get my reviews from snowboard magazines like Transworld, or Snowboarder Mag, or Snowboard Mag, I'm good".  Go ahead and think that but where you are missing out on, is the rider tested and reviewed part.  An objective, honest review is completely different then a magazine who got paid by that brand to showcase their product and talk about the bullet points of the board.  Granted, some snowboard review sites can be a little biased but for the most part, they keep it real if they want any credibility in the snowboard industry.  People will expose that shit quickly which means they will no longer get eyeballs on their site/reviews.  Also, don't fuck with forums, they're just a colossal waste of time.

So let's get on with it!  Here are the top 5 snowboard review sites that we feel are worth checking out.:

5) Agnarchy:  These guys put in the effort and therefore they have to be recognized.  Agnarchy will start it off due to the fact they review boards and other snowboarding related products!  Their reviews are current and they have been doing it since 2009 which they know how to review and test products.  They're not riding and reviewing every brand out there but they are getting some turns in on some good products!

4) This is a dope site for the ladies! is female owned and operated and she gets after it!  She includes great pics and clearly breaks down whatever it is she is reviewing!  She also will discuss different resorts and her travels as well getting in on some interviews!  Ladies, look no further than  Great content here, she is definitely Shift'D!

3) Angry Snowboarder:  The name says it all here!  Angry can be angry, but hey, with anger comes truth which can be a great thing.  After keeping my eye on these dudes and their reviews I feel they are worth looking into for boards and some outerwear.  Their review content isn't super extensive like our 2 and 3 spot but they are putting in work and pumping out some quality reviews for quality brands; and they are doing it right here in Colorado.  If at the very least you aren't feeling their reviews or product list, you can always check out their videos and their Facebook posts.  It's never rare to see them stirring the pot talking shit about someone or something.  They may even talk some shit about us putting them in 3rd...

2)  Board Insiders:  I have known about Board Insiders for a bit now and love their video reviews!  There is nothing better to me then watching multiple people talk about their experiences on whatever board they are reviewing at that time.  It seems that they get a lot of their reviews in during a resort's demo days so their selection is current.  Definitely a site to check out if you are searching for boards.

1) The Good Ride:  I came across this site with the help of Google and man was I pleasantly surprised!  They have so much good content and so many reviews!!  Their scoring system looks legit and they cover all the essentials that need to be addressed when reviewing snowboards or other gear items. You can also sort their reviews based on price, rider style, ability level, their favorites, and more!  On top of that, there are also "user" reviews just in case you didn't want to hear what Good Ride had to say!  The Good Ride is a great review site for everything from boards to gear.  Hands down, winner right here!

So there you have it.  Hope you found this post helpful and if you end up using one of these snowboard review sites to help with a purchase, let me know by commenting here or hit us up on the Shift'D Facebook page, or throw out a tweet to @shiftdunion.

Shred fast,


  1. "Their review content isn't super extensive like our 2 and 3 spot."

    Really not extensive? I'm sorry should we flex test boards on carpet and call it a review? Or just bullet point some marketing bullshit? You need to go do some serious research buddy we are number 1 in online reviews, we have the biggest library of reviews, we pump out a review a day from June 1st pretty much till September for boards and then do bindings and more. We are number 1 and that isn't some bullshit claim I can back that up.

    You should also use some logic and look through the bullshit of Board Insider and The Good Ride. Unquantifiable numbers are just that, unquantifiable.

    Good attempt at trying to bait me to troll your brand and write an article though. Not going to work you're just another Colorado brand that doesn't help snowboarding.

    1. Wow! I suppose they weren't kidding when they said you might start talking shit about your 3rd place! The sad thing is is that I can't really tell if you're actually pissed and trying to make a point, or if shit talking is just your gimmick to keep your image bold. Fact is you just got props from somebody and turned and shit on them for it. WEAK! Also on a side note, sometimes it's tough to take someone serious when they self proclaim that they are #1 twice in the same paragraph. And as far as the suggestion that Shift'D was trying to "bait" you into writing about them, I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case. I'm not trying to speak for them, but I'm very familiar with the people there along with other companies like their own who are just trying to do work for the local scene. Don't flatter yourself like a review from you would make them or break them. They've got a huge following for sure and spend more time on the mountain then anyone I know.. I just feel like you need a hug or something little guy.

    2. Self Proclaimed numero uno huh?! Well, your competitive spirit will not go unnoticed Angry; but you're still #3!

      Ya know, Mung mentions you are like Bono from U2, but really you have a lot of similarities to Kanye West. He too is self proclaimed and often refers to himself as GOD. In fact Angry, he now goes by the name of Yeezus. Did you know that?! Perhaps a name change is in order, like "The Yeezyboarder" with a slogan of: "We're not #1, we're GOD!"

      But, good try on "stirring the pot" and drawing attention to yourself. Your trolling effort is much appreciated as you just made Shift'D Union a legitimate brand!! Maybe one day we can occupy some ad space on that dope site of yours..

      On a serious note though, you and you alone may have inspired a new tee design. We will be sure to give the proper shout out should anything come to fruition. Hi 5 and stay Shift'D lil feller ;)

    3. I'm gonna need one of those sweet Hungry Snowblower shirts....
