Tuesday, March 18, 2014

We're Hiring!

Is the Action Sports industry and the personal style that comes with it something you are passionate about?  Are you an avid action sports nut (snowboarder, skater, surfer, etc.) who loves to rock out or bump beats and live this lifestyle that so many dream about?  If so then we may have a great opportunity for you, and yes, you can make money here.  Here's the skinny: 

We currently are looking for up to 5 people who want to work with Shift'D Union and be a Shift'D Ambassador.  We are looking for 1 person on the West Coast, 1 in the PNW, 1 In Colorado, 1 in the Midwest, and 1 on the East Coast.  The person from each of these locations must meet the following:
  • You must be at least 18 yrs old and have solid knowledge in the action sports industry. (we may consider 16 yrs but you need to really convince us you have what it takes).
  • Must be knowledgeable with Social Media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, You Tube) & post regularly.
  • Must snowboard and/or skate or some other action sport and be active in it.
  • Has a core group of friends that can really help push the brand.
  • Retail and sales experience preferred.
  • Friendly and outgoing who can talk to anyone at anytime.  Not a douchey sales person, just someone who can speak with confidence and really showcase their knowledge and passion! 
Why you must meet the above criteria??  We are looking for these people to help spread our brand and be a VOICE for us.  We've been around for nearly 3 years now and we are starting to grow into more than just a t-shirt brand.  Our passion is snowboarding in the Winter and biking and skating in the Summer.  We are going to start branding custom gloves for snow sports and possibly board shorts in the Summer but we need help with these efforts.  We need to bring in as many people as possible, people who are willing to purchase from our website and be down for the core of the sports we're involved with.  This is where YOU, our Shift'D Ambassador comes in.
We have currently pulled out of retail stores so that we can keep our prices low and affordable for customers.  We also want to connect with our customers on a more personal level through our packaging and shipments.  Our products sitting on a shelf in a store doesn't do this.  Word of mouth will always be more powerful than anything.

Here's where you get hooked up & make $$$: 
  • All Shift'D Ambassadors will get 50% off anything on shiftdunion.com through their own private promo code that is assigned to them.  Our prices are already extremely low so the additional 50% will be lower than what you'd find anywhere else.  It'll basically cover the cost of shipping the goods to you.  
  • You will also get a another 15% off discount code that you will be allowed to give out to your homies so they can get a discount when they purchase from our website.
  • We can see when your homie discount code is used.  For every purchase that your friends or contacts make using your homie code, you'll get 20% of the sales.  Ex.) If your buddy spends $65, you get $13 of that.
  • We pay out via PayPal every month so you'll need to create your own PayPal account.
That's it.  We will help you out in any way we can but this is basically all on you and your drive to make some cash and grow with us.  You rock the gear and talk about it, you'll sell.
Are focus is to not really focus on the big name athletes in the industry.  Our focus is on the core people who live the life, the people like you and me.  We are all in this together so why not unite and take over.  Now's the time to get with this, join Shift'D Union!

If you are down to be a Shift'D Ambassador then please send your Resume or any other info to shiftdunion@gmail.com.  Please be sure to include your Instagram and Twitter handles in your email.
Sell yourself to us so send over anything that you think will help your case and be creative.  Show your personality and just be yourself.

Good luck.

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