Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pittie Love

We just released a new design that was hand drawn and hand lettered of an animal that we are very proud to have as pets and as friends, the Pit Bull.
Here in Colorado this loving breed has a bad rap as the cities of Aurora and Denver have bans on Pitties.  Yes, they discriminate these animals as they feel that it's the breed itself that is bad.  I know I know, people are still very misinformed and sadly only believe what they hear from the news and what's on TV.  But, all Pittie owners know the truth about these dogs and know that they are farrrrrr from what the media hypes them up to be.  So, we decided to create a design that accurately portrays the Pit Bull Terrier.  You may have seen this from our earlier post regarding Goals for 2014 but here it is again:

 From sketch to digital rendering:

Hand Printed on a Ladies ultra comfy tee:
 Printed on a Men's T-shirt: (The response we got for Men's tees was awesome so here it is)

 Close up pic of the screen print:
What we are planning to do is donate $10 of every shirt that sells to a Colorado Pit Bull rescue.  We've been looking around for reputable places to offer donations and two look to be promising.  They are:

1) Peanuts Place:
2) Colorado Pit Bull Rescue:

If you are a Pittie lover and want to help then you can buy a Pittie Love tee for just $15.99 right from our web store.  For Ladies Click Here.  Also, after such a great response by people we've decided to move forward with printing this on Men's tees.  Now available HERE.

As Pit Bull owners ourselves, we personally want to thank you for your support of this amazing breed and remember, keep spreading the positive word about these dogs!

Much love,
Andee, Brandon, Ellee (black dog), and Griff (Grey Dog).

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