Friday, January 31, 2014

Denver Weed Map

The next time you're visiting Denver and you are looking for a shop to score some weed peep the Weed Map! Or, if you want a more complete list of locations CLICK HERE!

We Salute you!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pittie Love

We just released a new design that was hand drawn and hand lettered of an animal that we are very proud to have as pets and as friends, the Pit Bull.
Here in Colorado this loving breed has a bad rap as the cities of Aurora and Denver have bans on Pitties.  Yes, they discriminate these animals as they feel that it's the breed itself that is bad.  I know I know, people are still very misinformed and sadly only believe what they hear from the news and what's on TV.  But, all Pittie owners know the truth about these dogs and know that they are farrrrrr from what the media hypes them up to be.  So, we decided to create a design that accurately portrays the Pit Bull Terrier.  You may have seen this from our earlier post regarding Goals for 2014 but here it is again:

 From sketch to digital rendering:

Hand Printed on a Ladies ultra comfy tee:
 Printed on a Men's T-shirt: (The response we got for Men's tees was awesome so here it is)

 Close up pic of the screen print:
What we are planning to do is donate $10 of every shirt that sells to a Colorado Pit Bull rescue.  We've been looking around for reputable places to offer donations and two look to be promising.  They are:

1) Peanuts Place:
2) Colorado Pit Bull Rescue:

If you are a Pittie lover and want to help then you can buy a Pittie Love tee for just $15.99 right from our web store.  For Ladies Click Here.  Also, after such a great response by people we've decided to move forward with printing this on Men's tees.  Now available HERE.

As Pit Bull owners ourselves, we personally want to thank you for your support of this amazing breed and remember, keep spreading the positive word about these dogs!

Much love,
Andee, Brandon, Ellee (black dog), and Griff (Grey Dog).

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

5 Goals for 2014

Well Happy New Year folks!  Here we go again, a new year, a new number.  I hope that you were able to ring in the New Year with your family or homies.  No matter if it was some BUCK party or just laying low on the couch, as long as it was with the people that matter most to you.  And if it was with yourself, that's ok too. 

To start the list of 5 goals for 2014 I for surely will not go into some stupid resolution on how I am going to change the world or some other ridiculous wish.  I have never been one to throw out some over the top New Year's resolution since I would never follow it; and I am sure 99% of you out there would do the same.  I do however like to create a goal(s) for myself for whatever it is I am striving to do.  So for this case I want to put together a list of 5 goals that I already incorporate into my life or will want to push forward with through out this year.  I hope that maybe you too will find these points helpful.

1.  Be a dog.  What do I mean by this??  Be nice, loving, forgiving, everything a dog is.  Think of it like this.  Everyone loves their dog.  Dogs are so nice and loving and they forgive in ways humans never do.  They are always there for you, support you and always are happy to see you.  I am not saying you can always be happy (I am sure you will have your bad days just like everyone else) but try to remember why dogs are considered a man's best friend.  Everyone loves dogs because it's the love they give that will always remain supreme.  If you are having struggles, simply ask yourself "how would my dog approach this"?
*And, if you are saying my dog sucks then try walking him.  (see #2).

2.  Get fit.  I know I know, this is probably the #1 NY Resolution but the problem with this is that people quit.  They last about 2 weeks and then they find excuses to not workout.  You should be living a healthy lifestyle for one reason only; YOU WILL FEEL BETTER!  Make it a point to workout at least 4 times a week.  Make it a point to eat clean.  Don't drink those sodas and energy drinks that you see all the celebs drinking because they aren't drinking them.  Those energy drinks are full of water.  Trust me.  Live a healthy lifestyle and you will live a better lifestyle.   If you aren't down with a traditional gym then look into other areas of workout like Boxing, Biking, Jiu Jitsu, Skating, Snowboarding, Walking.  Find an activity that is fun and it won't be working out.
*From #1, walk your dog as exercise.  They need it too and will behave better if they get it, trust me!

3.  Don't Judge.  With the internet at our fingertips and social media being the #1 past time hobby, it's easy to see things and people and pass judgment onto them.  Don't judge these people.  You aren't any better than them.  Let them be them and you be you.  If someone is judging you in a negative light, oh well.  They are obviously threatened by you or something.  Brush it off and continue living your life and follow your own path!

4.  Donate.  Clean out your closets and drawers.  If you aren't using it let it go and give to someone who will use it.  It really isn't hard to go through your old stuff and toss out what is collecting dust.  Find a charitable organization that works for you and donate.  Plus, once you de-clutter your closet you will find that your personal fashion style will get better since you can now see what it is you want to wear and will be able to put together those bomb fits!  I personally use the VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America) since they are a non-profit organization that help out the Veterans of all ages.  They give back in a major way.  Also, do your research on Charities and know which one is legit.  Here's an article on the 10 worst just in case you were searching.

5.  Limit Social Media.  Stop getting on all of the Social Media platforms like Facebook / Instagram / Twitter so much!  Interact with people face to face or make a phone call!  People these days are losing their ability to socially interact with one another.  Awkwardness is at an all time high people and we need to get back to being social via face to face interaction, not through our phones or computers.   I also truly feel that kids these days are losing the sense of reality since their entire existence is built up in some social media platforms.  Real is the world outside, the people who are walking, breathing, talking, doing.  Get out there and partake in the real world!
*This will definitely be one goal I will work on more so!

*6.  BONUS goal.  Get smarter, get sexier.  There are millions of ways to educate yourself and it doesn't even have to cost you a penny.  I strive to always learn and grow.  An educated person is a sexy person. ;)  Ashton nailed it with this video.  A must watch.

So those are just 5 (with the bonus goal) that I live by and want to improve on.  I hope these too will help you better yourself or at least get you thinking.  I could easily throw out 5 more but no need to overload, there is always next year.  Cheers!

Brandon Bettes aka @Gnar_Nasty