Friday, April 19, 2013

Store Shout-out!

So we would like to take a minute to shout-out a store that has been down with Shift'D Union since day 1.

It isn't easy when you break into the scene as a new brand and try to get your product hanging from the racks of different stores.  As a matter of fact, we are still having troubles accomplishing this goal of ours.  Yeah, we get it.  A store runs the risk of spending their money to bring in a brand that nobody has heard of.  Definitely a liability for them, we understand.

Folks now days really like to rock what their friends and celebrities are wearing, which are those big box retail kind of brands.  It's just the way it is, however, there are those few that like to break away from the norm and show their individuality, those that love to support local and rep uniqueness of smaller brands.  (Side note: for those who believe in this methodology, we THANK YOU!).  You might be saying, well I am unique, but where do I find this "individuality" that you speak of?  Pretty simple really, the stores and boutiques that are privately owned tend to carry brands that you will not see in the mall.

So, let's get right into it.  This SHOUT-OUT goes to Megafauna!  They have been so true to our brand by showcasing several lines of tees, fleeces, hats, beanies, etc.  We have thoroughly enjoyed working with John (Owner) and look forward to many great years with him and his store.

Located in the cultured, artistic hood that is on the rise, 5 Points just north of the city!  Definitely a place to chill and shop around.  Get on down there and tell them we sent ya!

2701 Larimer St
Denver, CO 80205
(p) 720-982-8049

MegaFauna - Day in the Life from Focus 4 Design on Vimeo.

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