Tuesday, January 29, 2013

RiNo Adventures

This past Saturday we hit up our favorite neighborhood, 5 Points, a.k.a. RiNo (River North) in Denver.  If you are not familiar with this area it is the North part of Downtown.  It's an area that is currently being restructured and we feel is on the rise.  Plain and simple, RiNo is dope and it's our spot!
So, enjoy some of the pics we took with our trusty pocket computers.

To start off our afternoon, we had to hit up one of our favorite spots, the Walnut Room for some epic pizza and beer.

Damn that was good!  We had a few more drinks (PBRs', Bloody Mary, Moscow Mules) and then felt we were good.  Then we decided to stroll around.

While walking around we saw these lil felines chasing eachother and having what looked to be an amazing time in the ally.  They were so cute.

We also came up on an abandoned house right off Larimer.  The house clearly needed work but the lot was dope!  We could see it now, the next Shift'D HQ, in the heart of 5 Points.

After checking out the old house, we contemplated getting some tattoos but, time wasn't on our side.  Next time and for another adventure...
As we were heading south on Larimer we ran into one of our homies Rob.  He was heading back to his pad to clean up and then meet us for more drinks at our favorite little bar The Matchbox.  But before we met up, we had to peep all the new art showcased along side Larimer and in the ally way right off Larimer.  Check these out.

Such sick peices of work huh??!! Being a huge fan of PBR, we had to get me posing in front of it with my S'dU swag on.  Showing off the hat cuz it's 50% OFF this week ;)

That was fun.  Now, as we head toward Matchbox we came across a cool old car museum and in it we spotted a dope Porsche Speedster.  Love me some ol classic Porsche's.

After this, we finally got to Matchbox.  Remember Rob, he's an artist and a damn good one too.  Right now he has an art exhibit going on inside of Matchbox.  He is currently showing some seriously bad ass paintings.  Check them out.

The back patio of Matchbox has some pretty cool wall art goin on too.

After a couple of hours spent at the Matchbox it was time to make a move to one of our other favorite watering holes, Larimer Lounge.  We only stuck around for a couple of beers and then we were out, but first, you know you are at Larimer Lounge when you go up stairs to use the facilities.  Think some Shift'D stickers need to be slapped on some of these stairs huh?

So that was our RiNo adventure for the day.  Like always, it was awesome!  We love our city and love getting into it to see what comes our way.  It is so full of life, art, and originality.

Thanks for checking this out and stay tuned for the next one!

Your pal,

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