Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Shift'D Legal Sucka!

Like they say, "You know you're doing something right when you have haters..".

We recently had a little incident of a local Denver Tattoo artist stake claim to our rabbit design.  We won't mention his name (although he certainly didn't have any problems bad mouthing ours) but this individual tried to jack our boy Shift'D the Rabbit. 

Ohhhhh hell no we said!!!

Immediate action was needed so we did what was necessary and brought in the A-team to correct this lil incident.  Of course our Shift'D Copyright Legal team reviewed this issue in great detail, put the winning plan into place and voila, you can't touch this!  (Voila is French for Tada!!)

Satisfaction is a bad ass feeling folks!  Feels even better to go toe toe with a bully and to put that bully in check!  Word of the wise, if you are going to play ball you better be able to play with the big boys son!

Our rabbit is the sole possession of Shift'D Union and ain't nothing nobody can say or do about it.

In closing all we have to say is, in your lifetime always get to know your tattoo artist and if you want to avoid unethical evil tattoo artists like this one, hit us up, we'll definitely steer you away from places and artists like this!


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