Sunday, November 24, 2013

No Longer Core

So recently Yo Beat posted a pretty good article about core shops and online retail, and why your local shop does not have a great website.  In this article they brought up a great point that now days when you stroll into a "core" shop you mainly see Burton products and earth tone items.  Items that can be considered "safe".  YoBeat put it so well I had to just copy and past:

A lot of shops afraid of making such a mistake choose to only order safe and conservative gear. It’s happened to all of us, you go into a shop for the first time, imagining the selection will be as varied and diverse as you saw online, but after a few minutes you realize they only carry Burton hardgoods, jackets are all earthy monotones, and pants are any color you like so long as it’s black. It’s sort of like that time you finally managed to bed that gymnast, only to find out that instead of using your body as the Pommel horse, gymnast sex is just like regular sex only with really fucked up feet.

However, after reading this article it triggered something that made me want to write this blog post.  But first, before I go into these reasons let me back up here and go back in time when I was kid, (back in the 90's).


I used to love hitting up my local skate/snow shop in Flagstaff, AZ called AZP (Arizona Posse).  It was so dope.  All my homies hung out there and they always had rad swag and gear.  Stuff the Mall would never carry.  I loved finding t-shirts, hats, hoodies to buy knowing that none of my buddies or some random kid in school would be rocking.  I always felt unique knowing I was repping what I love by wearing a sick skate or snow influenced tee that wasn't something that could be purchased in a PacSun or some other major retail store.  So when I hear about core skate/snow shops that's what I think about.  Their diversity and support of the local and core brands that aren't in every Mall across America.

However, this is no longer the case when it comes to most core shops I visit today.  Around here in Denver I have noticed that some of these shops are no different than what you could find in Tilly's or Zumiez.  Like YoBeat mentioned, they are playing it very safe.

As I mentioned earlier before I pondered off down memory lane, a couple of reasons to write this blog post.

1)  The first is that I often get messages on our Facebook page or emails asking if Shift'D Union is any shops in their town. 
2)  The other reason is where is the diversity and uniqueness??  Are people these days no longer down to be original?  Do they want to wear what their buddy or classmates are wearing?  Better yet, wear something they see a pop star or hip-hop artist wearing?

To answer the folks asking the question about us being in more shops is sorry, your core shop is too afraid to bring in a brand that isn't in every major retail store in the county.  They are playing that safe game. 
Some of the answers to #2 is yes, they want to be cool and wear what the cool people are wearing, but there are other people out there who are unique.  In fact, there are a lot of these individuals. 

So if you are a shop claiming you are "core" then why not try to break yourself from the norm and be different than your commercial retailer competitors.  Maybe as a core shop you bring in some of your local brands and just see what happens with sales.  Hell, work out a consignment agreement with them so you are not paying out of pocket.  This way you can bring in your safe commercialized products from the bigger brands too.  You know, mix it up...

Long story short...  Core skate and snow shops, are no longer core.  And if you are wondering why shops are shutting their doors it could be because they maybe played it too safe.  Core shops, you aren't going to be able to compete with stores like Zumiez or REI so try to go back to what core used to be.  Mix it up and rep some different brands.  Be diverse and unique!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

2013 F/W Drop Mini Video

Here's our Fall/Winter Drop mini video showcasing just some of the newness we recently released. To peep the entire drop, visit!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

You've got one chance...

What would you do if the Jumbotron is on you??

Friday, November 8, 2013

Pray for Snow Tee - 2nd Edition

With resorts starting to open it is now officially time to Pray for Snow!  Last year we released the praying hands tee, (which by the way we have only 1 left in stock, size XL.  Email us if you want it for $20 including shipping US only |

So this year we thought we'd release an image that shows you what it looks like when your prayers come true!  This image was taken in Vail last season when the snow was dropping hard.  The second half of the shred season turned out to be epic and this picture showcases that!  This tee will be available very soon on our webstore.